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Changing Lives Everyday

Oak Plains Academy is a residential treatment facility that provides services to boys and girls ages 7-17, struggling with emotional, behavioral and neurodevelopmental challenges.
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Professional Referrals

Oak Plains Academy takes pride in the relationships we are able to build with referring partners. If you are a medical professional looking to make a referral, visit our referrals page.

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What to Bring

For the safety and comfort of all our residents, we ask that they abide by our guidelines of which clothing and personal items should be brought on unit and which should not.


The residential program serves youth ages 7-17 years old with an IQ of 65 or above who have been diagnosed with a Principal Axis 1 DSM- V diagnosis or experience neurodevelopmental disorders. A neurodevelopment disorder would include fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and intellectual developmental disabilities. The goal of this treatment is to reduce inappropriate behavioral by establishing a fit between the environmental expectations and cognitive abilities. We teach adaptive coping skills and increasing social skills that allow the individual to maintain safely the community.

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Oak Plains Academy’s therapeutic foster care program is designed to serve children and youth with special psychological, social and emotional needs who can accept and respond to the close relationships within a family setting, but whose special needs require more intensive or therapeutic services than are found in traditional foster care.

Our program provides 24/7 access to case managers to provide on-going support and crisis intervention. Our case managers are therapeutically trained to assess situations that may arise so that our foster parents have a knowledgeable support system through Oak Plains Academy.

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Patient Stories

Patient Satisfaction

4.51 / 5
I knew my treatment plan goals.
4.43/ 5
I understand the importance of following my discharge plan

* Data based on patients surveyed between July-December 2024.

Oak Plains Academy

Oak Plains Academy

1751 Oak Plains Road, Ashland City, TN 37015
Phone: 931-362-4723