Oak Plains Academy specializes in providing quality behavioral health services to children and adolescents ages 5–17.
The Neurobehavioral Program serves youth ages 5 to 17 years old with an IQ of 50 or greater who experience neurodevelopmental disorders including fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, autism spectrum disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.
We are currently seeking therapeutic foster care parents. If you are interested in finding out more about how you can change the life of a child, contact us at 931-362-4723. Oak Plains Academy’s therapeutic foster care program is designed to serve children and youth with special psychological, social and emotional needs who can accept and respond to the close relationships within a family setting, but whose special needs require more intensive or therapeutic services than are found in traditional foster care.
Oak Plains Academy provides therapeutic behavioral health services to children and adolescents, ages 7–17. If your child is facing challenges living with a psychiatric illness or an autism spectrum disorder, we may be able to help. Call 888-828-7393 today for a confidential, no-cost assessment. You may also reach us by email at [email protected].